Begin the exercise standing next to a column or a vertical bar, strong enough to support your weight. Hold the column or bar with one hand and place your heals on small dumbbells, your toes touching the floor. Start leaning your torso back, feeling the tension build in your quads. You should always keep your hips slightly forward.
You can perform this exercise with your own bodyweight, but you can also spice it up some by holding a weight plate at your chest.
Begin the exercise standing next to a column or a vertical bar, strong enough to support your weight. Hold the column or bar with one hand and place your heals on small dumbbells, your toes touching the floor. Start leaning your torso back, feeling the tension build in your quads. You should always keep your hips slightly forward.
You can perform this exercise with your own bodyweight, but you can also spice it up some
by holding a weight plate at your chest.