Recap on Performing the Barbell Back-Squat
1) Set the safety bars to just below your squat depth.

2) Place your hands on the bar at the same width you would when bench-pressing.

3) Step under the bar and place it onto traps (use a towel or lower bar if necessary.)

4) Unrack bar and step backwards.

5) Look forward and pick an object to concentrate on throughout the lift.

6) Arch lower back. Push chest out. Bring shoulders back.

7) Feet shoulder width apart. Feet turned out 45 degrees.

Breathe in, flex lats and glutes; lower yourself in a controlled motion.

9) Keep knees above feet; without letting knees dip inwards.

10) Bend over at the HIP (NOT BACK) while descending.

11) Don’t forget to breathe while squatting.

12) Breathe out and push up through heels when ready to ascend.

13) Step forward and place barbell back on the rack.

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The barbell back-squat may have appeared to be an easy exercise before you learnt the motions inside-out, however you should not be afraid to perform the movement.

If you feel uncomfortable with any part of the lift, you should always go back to basics and squat using just the bar, or your bodyweight so that you can practice and make sure you have your form nailed before attempting any heavy weights.
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