Workout #1:
1. Wrist roller

3 sets x 4-5 reps, 90 second rest

Grab a wrist roller with a pronated grip, straight up and hold it straight out in front of your body. Make sure that the rope is not wrapped around the roller, then roll your hands forward in an alternating fashion until the weight is raised and your arms are fully extended. Reverse the motion and return to the starting position.

2. Pinch grip

3 sets x 15-39-second hold, 60
seconds rest

Place two dumbbells or wide-rimmed plates with the smooth sides facing outward in a standing position on the floor. Bend down and pinch the head of each weight with your fingers, lift them off the floor and hold.

3. Towel wring-out

2 sets x 60 seconds, 0 seconds rest

Grab a thick towel and soak it in water, then wring it out by twisting your wrists in every direction.

4. Wrist flexion/extension stretch

1 set x 60-second hold on each side, 0 seconds rest

Slightly bend your left elbow and clasp your right hand over the fingers on your left hand, then extend your left hand and gently bend the wrist back. Hold the stretch for 60 seconds, then perform the opposite movement to stretch the opposite muscles by bending your wrist and fingers in the opposite direction so that your palm comes closer to the forearm.
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Workout #2:
1. Farmer’s walk

3 sets x 20-second walks, 60 seconds rest

Pick up a heavy set of dumbbells, stand tall and walk with them as fast as you can, maintaining a neutral back.

2. Band finger extension

2 sets x 20-30 reps with each hand, 0 seconds rest

Take a rubber band and put it around all of your fingers, then spread them apart as far as possible and hold for a second.

3. Single dumbbell wrist curl

2 sets x 15-20 reps on each side, 0 seconds rest

Take a dumbbell in one hand and sit on a bench, allowing your elbow to rest on your thigh, bent at 90 degrees. Your working hand and the dumbbell should be loosely hanging off your knee with the palm up. Curl your wrist up so your palm faces your biceps.

4. Wrist flexion/extension stretch

1 set x 60-second hold on each side, 0 seconds rest

Slightly bend your left elbow and clasp your right hand over the fingers on your left hand, then extend your left hand and gently bend the wrist back. Hold the stretch for 60 seconds, then perform the opposite movement to stretch the opposite muscles by bending your wrist and fingers in the opposite direction so that your palm comes closer to the forearm.

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