See the thing is, that there are a few foods out there that for some weird reason aren’t very often regarded as ‘clean’ foods, but actually give you a TON of the thing you lack the most while dieting.


So without further ado, let’s get into the five foods that’ll make your cut a hell-of-a-lot-easier on the next page.
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White Potatoes
Now I know what you’re thinking… White Potatoes? Seriously? Doesn’t everyone know that Sweet Potatoes have tons more macronutrients and fiber, blah blah blah… I’m afraid you’ve been lied to.

The truth is that potatoes actually have a higher satiety index than a lot of foods that most people consider to be ‘good for you,’ like:

brown rice
sweet potatoes
Granted, the way potatoes are usually prepared (fried in oil or covered in sour cream), does lead to making them a whole lot more calorically dense, so make sure to prepare them with as little additional fat as possible and you’ll be just fine.
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